Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wilkinson for "August: Osage County"?

Tracking board has now indicated that Tom Wilkinson has been offered the role of family patriarch Beverly Weston, opposite Meryl in the upcoming August: Osage County.  Someone may have previously mentioned his name to me, or I may just be hallucinating, but he's the one person among those mentioned in the cast that I've always pictured in this role.  Again, like with the rumors of Meryl being in Into the Woods, I'm not sure how legit The Tracking Board is with information like this.  There is nothing else out there to corroborate Wilkinson's involvment.  Again, the waiting game.  Still prediting Dianne Wiest for Mattie Fae.   Here's where we are now:

Violet Weston: Meryl Streep (confirmed)
Barbara Fordham: Julia Roberts (confirmed)
Charlie Aiken: Chris Cooper (confirmed)
Karen Weston: Andrea Riseborough (speculated)
                       Juliette Lewis (speculated--but at this point far more likely than Riseborough)
Jean Fordham: Abigail Breslin (speculated)
Beverly Weston: Tom Wilkinson (speculated)


  1. Jeff, Wow great choice if it's true. Tom Wilkinson is perfect as Beverly.Deadline usually gets scoop on this right away but nothing . This is taking to long I am in agony awaiting these casting choices. Ken

    1. Ken, I agree they're keeping me on pins and needles with the casting revelations. I'm really interested who's going to be cast as Ivy and Mattie Fae. This is turning into a tour de force cast.
