Apparently there are rumors swirling that Amy Adams will be cast in the role of "Ivy" in August: Osage County. I've held off on posting about this for a couple days because I am unable to find any credible info for it online. Right now, it's only a rumor. If she is indeed cast, I'm not sure I'll be pleased. Yes, Adams is a great actress, but I feel we've seen enough of her recently in Meryl movies. However, she's pretty good in mousy roles, and there's a lot of that as Ivy. Adams would make it 7-for-7 Oscar nominees in the cast. But we'll have to see if there is any legitimate news on her involvement. Check out where we stand as of now. I've decided to remove Andrea Riseborough as a possibility as "Karen" and list Juliette Lewis and Abigail Breslin as "confirmed," as I haven't seen anything to suggest otherwise.
Violet Weston: Meryl Streep (confirmed)
Barbara Fordham: Julia Roberts (confirmed)
Charlie Aiken: Chris Cooper (confirmed)
Karen Weston: Juliette Lewis (confirmed)
Jean Fordham: Abigail Breslin (confirmed)
Beverly Weston: Tom Wilkinson (speculated)
Ivy Weston: Amy Adams (speculated)
It might be major overcasting,
ReplyDeletebut Cate Blanchett would be a pretty terrific Ivy.
I consider Cate this generation's Meryl. I love how different so many of her roles are and think it would be amazing if she and Meryl did a film together. I agree that it would be overcasting, especially with Roberts. We can dare to dream!