Saturday, July 28, 2012

Streep and Jones "Hope Springs" interview

These clips have been out for several days, but they include some interesting insights from our stars of the upcoming film Hope Springs.  There hasn't been a ton of coverage or press for this film, but it's not a huge awards vehicle or expected to be an enormous box office draw. Or maybe there has been and I've just been too obsessed with looking for news on August: Osage County?  Yeah, that's probably more likely.  Anyway, check out these clips.  I'm not sure why there can't just be one single clip, but I was unable to find it.  I dig the Tolstoy quote.  Enjoy.


  1. Jeff, There's a rumor that Amy Adams may be playing Ivy Weston. THis is being put out on few sites but no official word. Amy would be good but funny that everyone being cast has at least been Oscar nominated. Ken

    1. Hey Ken, where else have you seen Adams's name mentioned as a possibility? The only place I could find was I actually love that all the cast members named as confirmed or rumored are Oscar nominees. It makes for an amazing ensemble cast!

  2. Jeff, Margo Martindale has been cast for Mattie Fae. I am shocked but people say she is a revelation. Margo won Emmy for Justified and got tony nomination as big mama in Cat On. Hot Tin Roof. Deadline says she has signed. Wow. Ken

    1. Saw that on streep forums! I think it's a great addition. I'll be posting about it later.
