Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"Suffragette" premieres at London Film Festival

Meryl attended the U.K. premiere of Suffragette at the London Film Festival today.

Alongside co-stars Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Marie-Marie Duff, Meryl's looking sharp in a royal blue ensemble.

It's no secret that there has been a fair amount of controversy surrounding certain comments Meryl has made over the past week.  I'm hesitant to give much credence to the hyperbolic accusations and interpretations of Streep's quotes, so suffice it to say, she responded to criticism in an interview today saying,

There is a phrase in the film- 'deeds not words'-and that is where I stand on that. I let the actions of my life stand for what I am, as a human being. Contend with that, not the words. 


  1. She's beautiful man! Beautiful!

    1. In that picture she does look better than the other three! :-)

      I am very happy with Meryl not descending into any debate or discussion of what's gone on and the idiotic responses from some sources. Very deftly avoided!

    2. Agreed. Diffusing some of the nonsense well.

  2. Long Winded PessimistOctober 8, 2015 at 11:32 AM

    She looked amazing yesterday- both at the press conference and at the premiere. That blue dress- wow. I'm blown away.
    I hope we get some good stuff from Graham Norton.... the press this entire week has been terrible. Everything she's said has been either taken out of context and or made to me more radical/incendiary than what she's actually said... and now it seems she's made a lot of enemies because of it. I love Meryl for speaking her mind but in this press climate it's not doing her reputation any good. These headlines have been brutal! And she (was) so universally beloved, she's got nowhere to go but down. I don't want all this more "political" stuff to get in the way to her real career as an actress. Here's hoping something funny and hilarious that everyone can get behind comes out of Graham Norton and becomes viral.

  3. Graham Norton appearance went well but he had too many guests on for Meryl to get enough focus for my liking! Loved that Nicole was there to reminisce about The Hours although Graham was misinformed that Meryl wasn't nominated that year! haha

    I also liked Meryl recounting her reviews for her hair in Manhattan..

    1. I watched the episode yesterday and totally agree. Since when does he have more than three people on the sofa to start?

      And I totally wanted someone to point out that Meryl was nominated for Adaptation!

    2. Haha, you or I would have been much more informed interviewers Jeff!

      It seems the Cruella movie is being fast-tracked with a star already attached.

    3. I love how Meryl was rumored to be attached to this and now the star will be Lily James. I wonder if Meryl's involvement would've been for a different role. There's like a 40 year age difference between the two actresses.

    4. Exactly, I'm not sure why Meryl was ever attached to this as it is obviously Glenn Close's role anyway. Just glad Meryl isn't doing it..!

  4. Totally confused by the Lily James as Cruella.... Would think that Disney would want a marquis name for this.... To play such a role- Jamie

  5. Actually think it is an error ........- Jamie
