While I'm not obsessed with viewership for Meryl's films, these days part of my enjoyment of her films making good bank (even though this movie was barely in theaters) is that, in my perhaps my naive mind, she remains a commercial draw for her future films to ultimately find funding. That might be an overreaction, but I'm paranoid that with Meryl not exactly being a spring chicken that a sting of bad films will make it tougher for her films to get the green light. That was such a specific boon following the success of The Devil Wears Prada that I remember reading how Meryl was "besieged" with offers after that. Let's hope we get some similar effects from this one (even if to a lesser degree).
I can't help but wish we could get a reasonable estimate on how much the views on Netflix would turn out to be at the box office. I'm so much more attuned to what that would mean when comparing to other successful films.
In other news, the Golden Globes will not be livestreaming their awards this Sunday. Instead, sort of like other critics bodies do, they'll post their winners in "real time" on their website an social media. Fine by me, I guess. Although I would like to see them return to a live show next year and they can convince everyone that they're not a total and complete mess.
In Asia, it's also the most viewed and widely discussed, and it's not that divisive here. Most people love the film. It's already the most Googled film among Meryl's filmgraphy other than Mama Mia and TDWP.