Monday, August 20, 2012


Nothing major to report, just wanted to throw down a few thoughts.  Hope Springs is doing okay at the box office.  Opened at #4, dropped a bit in week two.  The most important thing is that Meryl is getting amazing reviews. Gold derby continues to list her as #6 in the Best Actress Oscar hunt.  I made a bet with a friend this weekend (who said he had no interest in seeing Hope Springs and shall therefore remain nameless) that I believed that Meryl would win a Golden Globe for her role.  He was abhorred at the idea of her winning and thought it an impossibility...despite not seeing the film.  I told him that if Meryl wins in January (of course in musical/comedy) that every time he saw me for a year he had to bow down.  I will have to do the same if she loses.  I think she has a great shot at winning in this category.  The Hollywood Foreign Press is bananas for her, and there don't seem to be any other lead musical/comedy actresses that could outshine her at this point.  Everyone in Les Mis will go supporting.  Unless they commit category fraud with Hyde Park on Hudson for Laura Linney like they did for Michelle Williams last year with My Week with Marilyn

August: Osage County starts shooting in about a month.  Truly this is going to be an apeshit, 18-month ongoing siege of mine on the blog.  This weekend they posted video and pics of the house that was purchased for filming in Oklahoma.  Yes, that's worth reporting.  What's also worth reporting is that imdb has some teenage girl named Agathe Anne G listed as "rumored" to play Luna Weston in the film.  Um, who the fuck is Luna Weston?  I have not been able to fine anything else about this online.  Any further info would be much appreciated.  Sadly it's almost like I feel protective of the original script and cast of characters.  Okay not almost.  Completely. 

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