Filming is definitely underway in Stonington Borough, CT. The web is abuzz with pics (some good, some really not so good) of Meryl and Tommy Lee Jones on the set of Great Hope Springs. The best I found can be perused at this link:
I'm still at a loss for why the hell this film isn't going to be released until December 2012. Steve Carell has already finished filming his scenes, and it doesn't seem to be a particularly complex shooting schedule. The Iron Lady started filming this January and is being released in December of this year. Springs is supposed to wrap next month already. A bunch of special effects editing? I think not. Maybe they want to wait a bit and release it along with a film for which Meryl has a bit meatier role, a la It's Complicated / Julie & Julia two years ago. One can only hope that the other role is Violet in August: Osage County. I've blogged about this before but I just loved the play so much that I'm holding out that it will actually happen. I probably shouldn't get my "great hopes" up! That was awful.
I also don't get why the movie is releasing December next's more that a year from now; and it's seems like the shooting will take a coupl of months i suppose....