Last night during the Olympics, NBC aired a teaser for Adam McKay's upcoming Netflix film, Don't Look Up. The quality isn't great, as it wasn't officially released to YouTube, for example, and just pulled from someone's TV screen:
I've read that a lot of people are in a tizzy about Meryl's wig in this. I have to wonder if the choice is a bit tongue-in-cheek, as sort of an oblique parody of our recent former president and his bad hair life.
Meryl's time during the teaser is extremely brief (a couple seconds). They definitely played up the humor. Jonah Hill looked effective as the sort of bro-ish clown. Leo DiCaprio certainly seems to be playing a little against type--it's not often we see him as the nerdy professor in a less than serious role. Jennifer Lawrence seemed fine. With only a thirty second spot, it's hard to glean a ton of info (the film is 145 minutes long), but it's just fun to get an early look. Hoping this means we'll see a full trailer sooner than later.
Gave me BIG the big short vibes. Exciting!