Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New featurette for "Ricki and the Flash"

I came across a featurette this afternoon for Ricki and the Flash.  We get to see a few new clips as well as brief commentary from Meryl, director Jonathan Demme and screenwriter Diablo Cody.

The film will see it's world premiere at the Locarno Film Festival exactly two weeks from today and opens nationwide in theaters August 7.  I'm confident it won't make you sour, Katie...even if Meryl doesn't wear a chunky necklace.


  1. Oh Meryl and her chunky necklaces... She looks so beautiful in that featurette both as herself and as Ricki. Still, I have very low expectations for this movie, and even though the advertising finally seems to be kicking into gear, I think a lot of people, even people who normally like Meryl, are confused by the casting... like Meryl finally took her "I can play anything" designation too far. I don't know. The lack of singing in all these previews also has me worried that Meryl's voice might not be up to par... It seems like there are a fair number of people (at least on twitter) that are adamant that Meryl can't sing. To be honest I don't know where people get that idea (they obviously haven't seen Into the Woods because Meryl blew me away with the vocals there), because I think Meryl has an amazing voice. That being said, I'm a bit concerned that Meryl won't be able to pull the songs off with this strange deep voice that she seems to have chosen for Ricki. I hope it turns out well because in her real voice I would have no doubt that Meryl could rock the house on lead vocals.
    Has there been any word back from anyone that's seen a screening of the film? I'm sure Sony has an embargo but have there been any leaked impressions around the film blogs?

    1. Goodness if you are the same Anonymous who keeps posting you certainly are very fatalistic! I think the film is going to be excellent and there is no way Meryl would allow her vocals to be anything other than exceptional. The Director himself wouldn't have allowed them to do everything live if he thought it detracted from the quality of his film so I'm sure all will be well. I agree they should have more music in their features though to get the musical aspect across but let's have faith they know what they're doing and this will be another summer hit for M! :-)

    2. Haha I admit I am a pessimist! "I have such doubts!" But hey, bad films get made all the time and Meryl is certainly not immune (even though her own performance is usually top notch). And with Mamie in it, I'm just thinking it's not out of the realm of possibility that Meryl accepted something that she normally wouldn't for Mamie's sake. But you're right, I should have more faith! I know I'll enjoy it anyway, I just hope the general public does as well.

    3. I'm fine with pessimism as well, but I really don't anticipate it being horrible. I have not read a lot of early reactions (Kelly Clarkson loved it). I haven't seen other leaked reactions with specific details about the performances and overall film quality. But I'm sure those will be happening soon.

  2. Going to be great :)

    1. Guys join in the fun and give us something to call you! I got the impression that Meryl was highly impressed by the script before agreeing. I am still intrigued by Meryl saying she had read 2 of the best scripts of her career last year - I hope this was one of them!

  3. Isn't Meryl supposed to cover Lady Gaga in this? What I want to know is why they aren't using clips of that for advertising?!

    1. I"m posting a new clip with a full acoustic version of the new song from the film.

    2. Right, but I'm saying for marketing purposes, "Meryl Streep Singing Lady Gaga" has a lot more "viral" potential than a new song no one has heard of. I'm just surprised they're not taking advantage of that.
